Pokemon diamond pc
Pokemon diamond pc

Developer Game Freak didn’t even see fit to include Diamond and Pearl’s starters in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, despite the fact that their (mostly) open world Pokémon adventure is set in an ancient version of Gen 4’s Sinnoh Region. In the years since, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl have been given comparatively short shrift, much to my chagrin. Needless to say it’s held a special place in my heart ever since - the first generation that I played entirely in Japanese, and one that has a way of transporting me back to one of my favorite times in my life. Over the ensuing months I spent hundreds of hours in the Sinnoh region, where I was pulled deep into the nascent online community.

pokemon diamond pc

In late 2006, I took a Tokyo train a few stations down to pick up a copy of Pokémon Pearl on a whim, which had launched in Japan earlier that day.

Pokemon diamond pc